
Elogio da amizade

Há pessoas que aparecem na nossa vida e nós nem sabemos muito bem porquê. Há pessoas que desaparecem da nossa vida sem nós nunca sabermos muito bem porquê. Nestes entretantos há as outras pessoas. As que nos telefonam todos os dias só para saber se estamos bem, as que nos gritam ao telefone verdades duras que precisamos de ouvir, as que dão um abraço sem ser preciso pedir, as que choram quando nos vêm chorar, as que dançam ao nosso lado até de madrugada, as que nos deixam os filhos nos braços sem medo, as que soltam gargalhadas quando dizemos disparates, as que riem de nos verem sorrir, as que eram capazes de bater em quem nos fizesse mal, as que nos levantam a voz quando estamos a desatinar, as que nos levam para casa, nos seguram na cabeça e nos deitam na cama, as que nos fazem o almoço, ou o jantar e estão ali sem perguntar, as que nos elogiam, as que nos pedem conselhos, as que nos ouvem e ouvem e ouvem e ouvem e nunca mostram enfado, as que não concordam connosco mas não nos viram as costas, as que estão longe, mas conseguem estar tão perto, as que nos tiram de casa porque sabem que é só isso que é preciso, as que nos aparecem à porta com uma garrafa de vinho,  as que nos enviam textos, vídeos e imagens só porque sim, as que nos levam a passear, as que nos convidam para estar, não importa onde, nem quando, as que nos amam incondicionalmente, estejamos magras, gordas, deprimidas ou alegres, a trabalhar ou desempregadas, com dilemas ou bem resolvidas, capazes de dar ou egoístas, borradas de rímel, doentes com varicela ou vestidas de festa para arrasar. As que nos amam pelo que somos, mas principalmente porque acreditam na pessoa que ainda vamos ser. E essas pessoas andam aí. E são pessoas assim que eu tenho e quero ao pé de mim.

Hoje faço Parabéns.

E ainda não percebi se estou contente com isso, ou não.


Como qualquer toxicodependente

Também eu conto os dias.
90 longos dias. 
Primeira fase superada.

Change is here to stay, my friends.

Change is something that presses us out of our comfort zone. It is destiny-filtered, heart grown, faith built. Change is inequitable; not a respecter of persons. Change is for the better or for the worst, depending on where you view it. Change has an adjustment period which varies on the individual. It is uncomfortable, for changing from one state to the next upsets our control over outcomes. Change has a ripping effect on those who won’t let go. Flex is the key. Even a roller coaster ride can be fun if you know when to lean and create new balance within the change.  Change is needed when all the props and practices of the past no longer work. Change is not comforted by the statement ‘just hang in there’ but with the statement ‘you can make it’. We don’t grow in retreat, but through endurance. Change isn’t fixed by crying, worrying, or mental treadmilling. Change is won by victors not victims; and that choice is ours.
Change is awkward -- at first. Change is a muscle that develops to abundantly enjoy the dynamics of the life set before us. Change calls own strength beyond anyone of us. Change pushes you to do your personal best. Change draws out those poised for a new way. Change isn’t for chickens. Change does have casualties of those defeated. Change will cause us to churn or to learn. Change changes the speed of time. Time is so slow for the reluctant, and yet it is a whirlwind for those who embrace it. Change is more fun to do than to be done to. Change seeks a better place at the end and is complete when you realize you are different.
Change is measured by its impact on all who are connected to it. Change is charged when you are dissatisfied with where you are. Change doesn’t look for a resting-place; just the next launching point. Change is only a waste to those who don’t learn from it. Change happens in the heart before it is proclaimed by our works. Change chaps those moving slower than the change itself.  If you can change before you have to change, there will be less pain. Change can flow or jerk, depending on our resistance to it. Change uses the power invested in the unseen to reinvent what is seen. Change is like driving in a fog – you can’t see very far, but you can make the whole trip that way.

Change is here to stay.

[porque nunca é demais ler este texto]


Quando um homem precisa 
de ter sexo com várias mulheres,
é porque só está à procura de uma.

[remember this Ping Ping]


Don’t wanna lose

Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
I never knew you
I never knew
I never knew you
I never knew
You bought .. to every shape
To cross the deeper on ..
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
.. with everyword
The more you ask me the more I ..
For the first time I never hide
I never dream for another man

Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
My baby screamed
My face screamed without an emotion
In the darkness comes another
Ordered by the .. the other the other
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose
Don’t wanna lose you
Don’t wanna lose

You never know how strong you are 
until being strong
is the only choice you have.

Unfortunately there are really bad blow Jobs.

blow 1  (bl)
v. blew (bl), blown (bln), blow·ing, blows
11. Slang To go away; depart.


If you can´t handle the fox,
keep up with the deer.

[Foto daqui]

...it's true Mr. Hubble.
